
Friday, August 08, 2008

Interesting News Stories Before 9th of Av

"Seculars Want Temple', as Fast of Av Begins Saturday Night:
Tabenkin has nationalist, political and historical reasons why the Temple and the Temple Mount are important. Asked if he has religious considerations as well, Tabenkin told Arutz-7's Ariel Kahane, "Well, the word 'religious' can be the subject of long discussions. Look, the Gerrer Rebbe once said, 'When the Haskalah [Enlightenment] came to the world, with science, physics, etc., we [the religious] left it for the secular Jews; when Zionism came to the world, we gave that too to the secular; and now we have also left the Repentance Movement for the secular.' Accordingly, it looks like we [the secular] will also have to build the Beit HaMikdash."

Female Soldier Asks Forgiveness of Gush Katif Expellees:
"There was an Ethiopian family that we moved out; it really broke my heart. I remember that there, even I cried. The father kept on giving his little daughter candies to give to us - the people who came to take them out - just so she wouldn't be afraid of us. He asked to speak with all of us, and explained that ever since he arrived from Ethiopia by foot in Operation Solomon [in 1991], he has been wandering in Israel among different caravan neighborhoods, and only here, in Kfar Darom, did he finally succeed in building his house. He asked us not to take him out forcefully, as he wanted to go out by himself. He took his little daughter in his hands, and his suitcase, and when he reached the door, he just broke down in tears and crying, held on to the doorpost and simply refused to part.

Kotel Lights to Be Dimmed for Tisha B'Av:
Lighting at the Kotel (Western Wall of the Temple in Jerusalem) will be dimmed Saturday night, for Tisha B'Av – the fast day marking the Jewish nation's mourning over the destruction of the First and Second Temples and other tragic events in its history.

Tens of thousands of Jews are expected to come to the Kotel courtyard on Saturday night and Sunday, to read prayers called Kinot or lamentations, and mourn the destruction of the Temple.

Ambulances will park near the Kotel to take care of anyone who needs medical attention during the fast.


Anonymous said...

Wish everyone an east fast

Cosmic X said...

Thanks Sara. Hope that your fast was meaningful.

Anonymous said...

Actually it was and in surprising ways, my mothers birthday is in the evening and every year she "moves" the celebrations, not much celebrations as she is not a child but still a cake and a happy birthday when the fast starts is not a good idea.

They came for a visit with my brother and it wasn't easy but good for the family.

BTW I thought of asking you about blogroll link swap with my blog. I'd love it if you can contact me as I found no contact info

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