
Sunday, May 20, 2012

An Imaginary Continuation of a Famous Midrash

Shavuot, "the time of the giving of the Torah", is quickly approaching.  A famous Midrash (Sifri, Zot HaBerachah) associated with the giving of the Torah came to mind:

ויאמר ה' מסיני בא. כשנגלה המקום ליתן תורה לישראל לא על ישראל בלבד הוא נגלה אלא על כל האומות. בתחילה הלך אצל בני עשו, ואמר להם: מקבלים אתם את התורה? אמרו לו: מה כתוב בה? אמר להם 'לא תרצח'. אמרו לפניו: רבש"ע כל עצמו של אותו אביהם רוצח הוא שנאמר 'על חרבך תחיה'. הלך לו אצל בני עמון ומואב ואמר להם: מקבלים אתם את התורה? אמרו לו: מה כתוב בה? אמר להם 'לא תנאף'. אמרו לפניו: רבש"ע כל עצמה של ערוה להם שנאמר 'ותהרין בנות לוט מאביהם'. הלך ומצא בני ישמעאל, אמר להם: מקבלים אתם את התורה? אמרו לו: מה כתוב בה? אמר להם: 'לא תגנוב'. אמרו לפניו: רבש"ע כל עצמו אביהם לסטים היה שנאמר והוא יהיה פרא אדם  
Here is my translation of the Midrash:

When the Omnipresent revealed Himself to give the Torah to Israel He did reveal Himself  to just to Israel, rather (He revealed Himself) to all the nations.  At first he went to the children of Esau, and said to them, "Will you receive the Torah?"  They said to Him, "What's written in it?" He said to them, "Thou shalt not murder."  They said before Him, "Master of the Universe, our father's entire essence was that of a murderer as it is said, 'You shall live by the sword.'"  He went to the children of Amon and Moav and said to them, "Will you receive the Torah?"  They said to Him, "What's written in it?" He said to them, "Thou shalt not commit adultery."  They said before Him, "Master of the Universe, our  entire essence is lewdness as it is said, 'Thus were both the daughters of Lot with child by their father.'"  He went to the children of Yishmael and said to them, "Will you receive the Torah?"  They said to Him, "What's written in it?" He said to them, "Thou shalt not steal."  They said before Him, "Master of the Universe, our father's entire essence was that of a bandit as it is said, 'He will be a wild beast of a man.'"

I could not help but think of a imaginary continuation of the Midrash, based on my experience posting at a certain "liberal" blog:

He went to the children of "the liberal" and said to them, "Will you receive the Torah?"  They said to Him, "What's written in it?" He said to them, "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind; it is abomination."  They said before Him, "Homophobe! Kahanist!   !  Downding! Downding! Downding! Downding! Downding!"

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